
On 03/05/2017 10:08 PM, Kevin Kenny wrote:
> I'm not a vehement anti-importer (there are a few around here

I don't know what you are talking about ;)

> There are "county
> highways" that you'd expect to be highway=tertiary that are in fact
> highway=track, for instance.

Or the myriad "highway=residential"s from TIGER that have lead to some
bicycle routing engines to ignore highway=residential/tiger_reviewed=no
in the US because they're often no more than dirt tracks.

A good way to deal with such external data sets as discussed here is to
massage them until they fit the objects on OSM, and then create a map
showing where the state highway department appears to differ from what's
in OSM (maybe using different colours for "their road class is higher
than ours" and "their road class is lower than ours"). Then we and/or
local mappers could investigate the differences and make adjustments
where deemed sensible.

And while our ODbL licensed data is probably not suitable for direct
back-import into the state highway department's database, they might
actually find such a comparison useful as well - maybe it can help them
spot errors in their own data.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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