I would add that the guidance of an OSM volunteer with some experience with 
importing can be quite helpful.

It is easy to be eager to complete an import.  It can be challenging, 
especially for novice mappers or those unexperienced with "medium-sized" 
projects like this to do one for the first time and get it completely right, 
very especially to "go it alone."  In the ham radio world, we would sometimes 
call such a person an "Elmer."  Often an older, calm, cool, collected, 
been-around-the-block sort of person who knows a couple of things about a 
couple of things and likes to help others solve problems that might crop up.

Seek some greater community and ask around of those who answer, listening to 
their experience with Mapping Parties or other imports.  Doing this simply 
strengthens our community.  Take your time, there is never any rush to import.  
Quality above quantity or speed.

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