
I quickly looked at the talk-us and talk-us-import archives
(  and ) I do not see
any mail from you in April/May/June. Did you send the email about your
import request to one of those mailing lists ?
Since your email is not in the achives (as far as I can see), it
explains why you did not get any reaction so far.


On Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 6:24 AM Robert Yaklin <> wrote:
> And then you have people like myself who were new to OSM and reading the docs 
> that say to join mailing list and to send email to mailing list before doing 
> proposed import of data and get no reply. Maybe the people who would have 
> replied use other channels and not the mailing list. In any case it leaves me 
> not feeling particularly welcome. Nor does it encourage me to invest my time 
> into mapping. At least now that this slack discussion is happening I have 
> some explanation of why it seemed not many people participate in the mailing 
> list. I'll never voluntarily install or use slack and had never heard of it 
> before this discussion.
> On Tue, Jun 12, 2018, 7:36 PM Ian Dees <> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jun 12, 2018 at 5:10 PM Greg Troxel <> wrote:
>>> Martijn van Exel <> writes:
>>> > Hi Simon,
>>> >
>>> >> > * everyone is on it
>>> >> That's a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy after you've essentially
>>> >> force migrated everybody there and then cut the ties with any other
>>> >> competing media (in OSM) so that you can have your nice walled garden.
>>> >
>>> > I would argue that it is a good thing that people converge on one
>>> > platform to talk about OSM. Whether Slack remains the right choice is
>>> > something we can debate. It was really the only feasible choice that
>>> > was available to us at the time we (OSM US) felt the need for a better
>>> > platform for conversations. Slack has done its job as a for-profit
>>> > non-open company well in the sense that we're somewhat locked in
>>> > now. I dislike the fact that it is a walled garden, and becoming more
>>> > so, as much as anyone who values free and open data and software. If
>>> > there is a practical way to improve that situation, we should pursue
>>> > it.
>>> >
>>> > Finally, please stop your unpleasant trolling, it has no place in OSM.
>>> Slack is a company with terms some don't like.  People should not have
>>> to enter into a contract with some random company to participate in OSM.
>>> I for one am not on the osmf-us slack, and am likely to continue not
>>> being on it.  So "everyone is on it" is demonstrably false.
>>> Another issue is that we are building open data, and open data and open
>>> source go hand in hand philosophically.  So it is not surprising that
>>> members of the OSM community object to proprietary communications
>>> systems.  It is surprising that a non-trivial number of OSM people think
>>> proprietary communication systems are ok.
>>> There is matrix; I haven't tried that, and I've heard positive reports
>>> about self-hosted mattermost.
>>> Another possibility, which might fix the terms issue but not the
>>> proprietary issue, would be for OSMF-US to enter into an agreement with
>>> Slack, Inc. in such a way that OSM people do not have to enter into a
>>> contract, much as if they were employees.
>> As we've said multiple times in this thread, it's totally OK for there to be 
>> multiple avenues of communication in the OSM community. That has always been 
>> the case and will continue being the case. If a group of community members 
>> want to get together on a communications channel, they should do that. It's 
>> especially OK when the communication channels are so different (like 
>> Slack/IRC vs. mailing lists). OSM US doesn't require anyone to use any 
>> particular communication channel and a large swath of the US's most engaged 
>> mappers are on several (mailing lists, slack, IRC, forum, etc.).
>> Also, I don't think it's surprising that a vast array of different kinds of 
>> people participate in OpenStreetMap. Some of those people are interested and 
>> passionate in OpenStreetMap because of its relation to the Open Source 
>> movement, and some people want to contribute to a community project. I'm 
>> sure there are plenty of other reasons why people are part of this community 
>> – we should be welcoming to all of them, not just the ones that are 
>> passionate about Open Source.
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