While I don't have "a dog in this fight," I also read our wiki which says "Link 
roads NORMALLY do not have names."  (Emphasis mine).  In the unusual 
(abnormal?) cases where they do (and I trust Paul wouldn't have added them 
unless they do), there is no contradiction with our wiki, rather an unusual 
case which isn't "normal."  In my opinion, that's OK.

We should follow what our wiki says, in this case it leave a bit of "wiggle 
room" to name a link road.  Paul has named some link roads where it appears 
they do have such names in the real world, and I see no inconsistency.

Sometimes a datum in OSM will LACK all the tags it should, because some are not 
known.  That's not great, but it's OK:  mappers who come along later can add 
these (and improve this and other features in our map), this is called "growing 
our map."  Sometimes an ADDITIONAL datum exists in the real world and is added 
to a feature even when this is unusual (though not incorrect) as many other 
similar data do not have this additional datum.  That's OK; I see no 

Our wiki strives to hit the sweet spot of accommodating what is in the real 
world and how we should tag such data in our map.  It is a guide, not 
absolutely strict doctrine.  I say this because we have "plastic tagging" that 
encourages us to tag accurately while allowing flexibility.  Especially in 
early versions, we may not always write our wiki as 100% correct, and so wikis 
grow, change and evolve to accomplish this.  If the wiki needs updating to note 
that unusually, but in certain parts of the world, link roads sometimes get 
names, I encourage you to update it:  we'll all benefit.

Writing/contributing to wiki is easy, though it can be tricky:  you want to 
channel consensus without being too strictly doctrinaire in a direction which 
would hobble contributions or just plain encourage/teach others to enter them 
wrongly.  It is meant to guide us, not preach to us as an absolute.  Where it 
is wrong, or one or more believe it wrong or out-of-date with real world data, 
please use the Discussion page built into each wiki to discuss with others any 
potential changes to existing wiki.  The "right thing" (better written wiki) 
usually happens soon after such discussion.

OSM Volunteer since 2009 and serious contributor to not only our map's data, 
but our wiki, too
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