On Aug 17, 2018, at 2:59 AM, talk-us-requ...@openstreetmap.org wrote:
When I come upon these, what's The Right Thing?  'railway=junction ref="CPF 
499"' instead?

Hi Kevin:  "Railroad place names" in the USA have a lore all their own.  
Sometimes and even often in remote/rural areas, simple junctions, switches or 
sidings which were named by the railroads "turned into" what we (in OSM and 
other contexts) might call a "locality" or even serve as the de facto location 
of a hamlet or village, especially as a station serving freight or passengers 
also "grew up" there.  A surprising number of these (thousands, at least) 
survive presently.  Railroads heavily influenced how the USA became what we are 
today (landuse patterns, industrial zones...).

Though you didn't specify exact nodes so their "true railway function" can be 
determined, I did an Overpass Turbo query in your area and found some.  Many 
are switches, some are junctions.  While 
https://wiki.osm.org/wiki/OpenRailwayMap/Tagging can be daunting documentation 
and could prove helpful, https://wiki.osm.org/wiki/Tag:railway=switch is much 
more succinct.  Simply assure these are at a point where two rail lines diverge 
and modify tags to be railway=switch and ref=CPF 499 (or whatever).  However, 
they may also be junctions instead of switches:  see 
https://wiki.osm.org/wiki/Tag:railway=junction (quite brief) and note that a 
switch diverges two lines whereas a junction might not.

So, if it's a switch, name becomes ref and place=locality becomes 
railway=switch, but only if you are fairly certain it is where two rail lines 
diverge.  If you are not sure it is a railway=switch, it might be a junction 
(e.g. Cherry Valley Junction).  Tags there should be railway=junction + 
name=Cherry Valley Junction (not ref=*).

More difficult still is when the node is NOT part of the rail infrastructure (a 
node actually on the railway=rail, maybe it's simply a node nearby a rail line) 
as then place=locality truly might be an accurate tag.

BTW, I've been cleaning up NE2 messes (as I find them) since about 2011 (even 
after he would rudely swear at me in my polite emails to him); good riddance to 
NE2.  His horrific sense of bicycle routing turned into me and others first 
tearing out our hair in frustration, then we began our USBRS WikiProject.  So:  
lemons?  Lemonade!

Thank you for asking the list.

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