Another update on the address data:
I managed to do the address data transformation by splitting the data up
into five files.  The data is now in ready to upload OSM format (except for
data errors).  All duplicates of existing addresses in the OSM database
have automatically been removed, leaving only missing addresses in the
dataset.  This means that the data could be uploaded to the OSM database
without creating duplicate addresses.
The data is available here:
I split it up into five manageable files with roughly 100,000 points in
The data itself has some minor issues.
1) Many "addr:city" tags are missing.  These can be added in manually
before upload by selecting all addresses with a certain postcode and adding
the city to them.  In the US, postcodes usually only have one city
associated with them, so adding the missing addr:city tags is much easier
because of this.
2) Some other tags are missing from about 50 addresses.  They don't have
"addr:street", "addr:postcode", or "addr:city".  Just "addr:housenumber"
and "addr:state".
Other than that, the data looks great!
I will fix up the wiki page and contact the imports mailing list sometime
this weekend if I can.

Levente Juhász,
Manually adding the addresses would take way too long.  Instead, a tasking
manager project should be created for organizing address upload.  If the
uploader wants, they can merge the data with existing features such as
buildings, but this is not required.  An upload without merging would
simply add all missing addresses around the existing ones.  I was thinking
that the tasks be about 5,000 - 10,000 addresses each.  This should allow
for quick and easy upload, even if Miami does not have very many
contributors interested in helping.
Leif Rasmussen
Talk-us mailing list

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