> On Nov 6, 2018, at 5:23 AM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:
> Tod,
> generally, the Geofabrik OSM PBF extracts are available across the size
> spectrum from continent to smallest extract, so the California OSM PBF
> extract will not go away (sorry if I was unclear about that).
> But my assumption was that there might be a need for smaller files
> because the whole-California file has meanwhile reached a size where it
> takes a while to process.

I understand the issue and appreciate the proactive stance.

> The only thing that *does* go away when I split something in smaller
> files is the free shape downloads - these are only available for the
> "leaves" of the tree, i.e. the smallest regional units.
> On 06.11.2018 13:58, Tod Fitch wrote:
>> In any case, I assume a good description of the extract boundaries will
>> be provided
> Heh, I had hoped that by asking here, I'll be able to find a
> self-explaining split where everyone knows immediately from the name
> what's in it. Apparently not so easy ;)

For background, I a 40 year resident of California and have lived, worked 
and/or performed volunteer work in five of the “six Californias”. At present I 
live in Orange County (part of the Six California’s “South California” and 
perform volunteer work, including map generation, for an area where the 
boundary between Ventura County and Kern County (“West California” and “Central 
California”) runs through the middle of the parking area.

My guess is the only split that the majority in the state would instantly 
recognize would be “Northern California” and “Southern California”. However 
exactly where that split occurs is likely to be contested. :)

Were I to hazard a guess, I would start on the coast somewhere around San Luis 
Obispo and end up on the Nevada border far enough north to include the Mammoth 
Mountain and June Lake resort areas in Southern California. I haven’t a clue 
where the line ought to go through the San Joaquin Valley though.


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