Minh Nguyen wrote:
> As with the network tag on bus routes, what's important for both 
> network and cycle_network is that the route is intended to form 
> part of a coherent *network* (almost like a brand, but not quite).

It's also useful for those of us writing routers, as it means we can avoid
applying a route relation uplift in those states that send bike routes along
entirely unsuitable state roads. (New York is a particular offender but
there are others.)

On my relationising travels, I spotted a couple of places where people had
mapped a city cycle network as a single route relation, often with "System"
in the title: Flagstaff Urban Trail System was one such. This is clearly
wrong. As a quick fix I changed the relation tagging from type=route to
type=network - which, interestingly, Waymarked Trails still renders:
https://cycling.waymarkedtrails.org/#route?id=2815833 - and created
relations for some of the longer routes. But really it needs all the routes
to be broken out into individual relations and given a common cycle_network


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