If there are GIS-savvy people who are authoritative (even -ish) regarding Great 
Lakes Circle Tours (Bicycle), please drop a line maybe here or maybe at 
https://wiki.osm.org/wiki/Lake_Michigan_Circle_Tour_Bicycle_Route.  (Which is 
believed largely correct, though around Traverse City there are some sketchy 

In my mind, these are a bit vague and hazy though they (4 out of 5 lakes have 
routes or all 5?) seem real enough, with signs, a consistent set of 
logo/graphics, T-shirts, fans....  Some contact of GIS-ish folks who have 
something to say about where the routes are would be good; thanks if OSM makes 
this connection.

In short, we're OK with Lake Michigan Circle Tour, what about all of the Great 

These seem somewhere around or between rcn (where now) and quasi-national ncn 
(maybe 4 become international?)  That's maybe another topic for another thread.

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