The Great Lakes Circle Tour ( organization is 
the source on these signs.  They are found scattered around the great lakes, 
and we see a few Lake Michigan Circle Tour signs around Lake Michigan, but I 
sure wouldn't want to try to navigate just based on the signs.  These routes 
existed LONG before the current version of the USBRS was created.

I could be wrong, but I would be pretty certain that it is the DOT that erects 
the signs.  Letting "strangers" (e.g. an NGO) erect signs on state highways is 
"not done" in Michigan, or most other states.


-----Original Message-----
From: stevea <> 
Sent: Saturday, July 27, 2019 11:47 AM
To: talk-us <>; Max Erickson <>; 
Kerry Irons <>
Subject: Re: Great Lakes Circle (Tours, bicycle) GIS-folk?

Thank you Max and Kerry for your posts.  I think we can agree that USBR 10 in 
Michigan's Upper Peninsula is a "real route" that happens to be unsigned, but 
it has been selected and is maintained by MDOT and is officially designated and 
cataloged by AASHTO as USBR 10.

I think what Max referred to is he doesn't see any LMCT signage here, either.  
This signage does exist (e.g.
 ) though I am still unclear whether this is solely a route=road (for 
automobiles) or is that PLUS a route for cyclists as well (and there may be 
differences in actual infrastructure — that, too, remains unclear to me).  I 
have not yet received word whether there is an organization which erects these 
signs (for four or five Great Lakes?) which might or likely does "administer" 
the routes themselves, though I continue to seek out such a contact person / 
GIS "department" or organization.  Kerry, do you know anything along these 


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