Paul's in depth answer of my question was very helpful. Luckily I am not
concentrating on road/highway routes. I like the concept of:

We should be moving forward towards
all routes being tagged in a route relation so we can phase out route
attributes on ways, freeing those up for *the way's attributes.*

That intuitively makes sense. It seems to me that most routes these days
are really a collection of ways (collected by the route relation). I
explained this to some city planners, newer to OSM than I was, with three
examples (an Interstate that actually includes a Ferry, clearly not part of
a single paved way, a bus route traversing many different streets, and the
MRT (Miss. River Trail) which consists of streets, highways, bike paths,

Keeping the data important to the way on the way and the data relevant to
the route in the relation is perfect. (Well at least very good)
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