I thought wasting time was one of your biggest skills... guess I was wrong about that. Typing a message to a mailing list in t-9 mode is a fun waste of time especially after you throw up from concentrating so hard on that little bugger.

Patrick Perdue wrote:
On 9/13/2007, 5:49:33 PM EDT, Lynn runs into the room, throws a mirror at the 
nearest wall, and says:

I counted at least twice that you wrote "an" instead of "am".

Wel, in the Louis defence box, that's incredibly easy to do with t-9 predictive 
text since they use the same keys, and Eloquence, being stupid, doesn't really 
M and N all that well on a small speaker.

I did that crap all the time when I still had a phone with a keypad.
It's not worth using t-9 on the one I've got now, since it has a qwerty
keyboard on it... That would be a pretty large waste of time.

-- -- Patrick Perdue (MCP, CNA)
Greensboro, NC
website: http://www.pdaudio.net
home: +1(336)698-4417
Mobile phone and SMS: +1(336)509-5583
e-mail and .net messenger: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
aim: noaptiva

This message originally sent in reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Thursday, 
September 13, 2007 at 5:53 PM EST.

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