Well, I just made a talking trumpet clock, which actually has better inflection than my clock, which, after 3 years, could stand to be completely redone. No ideas yet for hour 1 and 2, don't want to be standard and boring though; but other than that, it's done.

How sad is that.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Patrick Perdue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "talk2" <talk2@AndreLouis.COM>
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2007 6:14 PM
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List web mail

Yes, it is true that I specialize in wasting time, which might be why I'm replying to this message from my phone while in the bathroom. You know, the convenience factor and all that... You're on the tube and you want to check your e-mail? No problem!

But there are even some limuts as to the lengths I will go to be especially pointless, however, I haven't found them yet. Theoretically, however, they do exist? I'm sure I'll let you know when those theoretical limits have been reached, not that it will do you any good or anything like that, but that's not the point. Come to think of it, what is?

by the way, I like rain. We finally have some after almost three months of nothing. Maybe it will actually start cooling down around here like it's supposed to? That would, indeed, be a good time in the mix. Well, I think it would, anyway.

- original message -
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List web mail
From: "Byron J. Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 09/14/2007 10:00 am

I thought wasting time was one of your biggest skills... guess I was
wrong about that. Typing a message to a mailing list in t-9 mode is a
fun waste of time especially after you throw up from concentrating so
hard on that little bugger.

Patrick Perdue wrote:
On 9/13/2007, 5:49:33 PM EDT, Lynn runs into the room, throws a mirror at the nearest wall, and says:

I counted at least twice that you wrote "an" instead of "am".

Wel, in the Louis defence box, that's incredibly easy to do with t-9 predictive text since they use the same keys, and Eloquence, being stupid, doesn't really distinguish
M and N all that well on a small speaker.

I did that crap all the time when I still had a phone with a keypad.
It's not worth using t-9 on the one I've got now, since it has a qwerty
keyboard on it... That would be a pretty large waste of time.

-- -- Patrick Perdue (MCP, CNA)
Greensboro, NC
website: http://www.pdaudio.net
home: +1(336)698-4417
Mobile phone and SMS: +1(336)509-5583
e-mail and .net messenger: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
aim: noaptiva

This message originally sent in reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Thursday, September 13, 2007 at 5:53 PM EST.

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