I'm taking the lazy way out here and just copying a majority of this from
my LiveJournal, with some added in updatifications of course.
  For those who don't remember there was an old children's oriented station
here in the states in the mid 1990's called Radio AAHS. It was quite
the precursor to radio Disney. But unlike Disney, there was a real variety
of music and personality on the network. It was probably the most diverse
radio station I've ever come across. But anyhows, in their prime, they
released a ten-track compilation every month in a subscription which
included their
short-lived magazine, and I just happened to track down a few of these discs
last week. So far only one has arrived, but there are several gems on it
I shall play. Hopefully at least one more can flop into my mailbox today so
there can be even more randomness.  But if not, I can make do with what I
  I owe Radio AAHS for a lot of things. They introduced me to Scatman John.
They played tracks off of the Ren and Stimpy and Animaniacs CD's I didn't
know existed back then, and, perhaps most importantly, they inspired me to
make stupid home recordings of my own ficticious radio show which led to my
interest in webcasting when I growed up.
Since this was a kids' oriented station, the format involved many different
contests all over the place. It was very enticing and promoted a lot of
with its listeners, myself included. I did have enough time to find one very
well-preserved isolation of a certain Clower winning a contest circa October
20, 1995.  But because it was not this Clower, it will not be played
  To make up for this, there will be a lovely isolatable recording of yours
truly engaging in a mock game show with my cousin (who incidentally
performed the roles of all three contestants), as well as a few songs sung
blue at my church this past Sunday, gazing at my window.  (If anyone even
got that reference, you win a cookie!
  I'm sure one day I'll look back and regret playing these little clips from
my days of yor, but for now I have no
problem with archived humiliation. So tune in to
http://tbrn.net:8888/tbrn.ogg with your media player of choice and laugh at
my shamelessness. You can hear my bizarre ramblings every Tuesday from 6 to
9PM Eastern Daylight Time, 5 to
8PM Central daylight Time, 2 to 5PM Alaska Standard Time, 11AM to 2PM Samoa
Standard Time, and on Wednesdays from 11AM to 2PM New Zealand daylight Time
and noon to 3PM Line Island Time.
  Suffice it to say this show will be bloated with content this week.

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