On Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 7:23 AM, o1bigtenor <o1bigte...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So if the op is limited to dial-up - - -  for pete's sake cut him some
> slack. He's already talking about using a friend's access for the initial
> download but the headache factor, especially with a desktop system, of
> continuing to rely on outside access - - - well its huge. I empathize
> because for a period of time just a few years ago I had access that was
> supposed to be 2 down and 0.5 up yet in fact was most often about 0.3 down
> and the up was 0.15 or so. Doing an on-line banking transaction was a 5 to
> 8 minute ordeal - -  a system install was a 12 to 14 hour problem (all the
> while hoping that the connection wouldn't die).

A netinstall would not be feasible if you cannot count on your connection
to stay up for the duration of the installation. You'd be better off
downloading an ISO image via BitTorrent or rsync, something that can resume
the download. You would still have to deal with the fact that your ISO
image is going to be out-of-date so the first update may be hundreds of

> So perhaps instead of smugly prating about how you would do it - - -
> perhaps you might actually assist in developing a solution that will work
> for the op in HIS circumstances - - - - NOT YOURS (yes I meant to yell - -
> - I'm finding the last serious of comments quite tedious and very
> infuriating in their arrogance! In fact the suggestions are starting to
> sounds quite like the government bureaucrats in this same area).

Solution: install at friend's house. Updates are still going to be an
issue, though most updates tend not to be more than a few megs.


Clifford Ilkay

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