On Tue, Mar 12, 2019 at 3:37 PM Gary via talk <talk@gtalug.org> wrote:
> I must complement Boeing management for the huge sums that they save on
> salaries by shifting software engineering to India. Gleaned from the URL
> below I take it that the average Boeing software engineer in India makes
> 26,930 rupees/month, which is about $500 Canadian and that makes an
> annual salary of $6,000 per year. My hats off to management for
> achieving these enormous cost savings.
> Not to be left behind in an uncompetitive position, our Canadian
> companies, too, are making great strides in reigning in costs by
> shifting work offshore.
> https://www.indeed.co.in/cmp/Boeing/salaries

A number of years ago I read that India is generating more engineers per year
that the rest of the world combined. How good they are - - - - that's
another question.

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