On 03/13/2019 11:22 AM, Dhaval Giani wrote:
> What is this "good stuff" that is moving offshore? From what I can
> see, stuff that is higher up the value chain is still in North
> America, and is still going to remain here. And for a very simple
> economic reason. It costs the same $ value.

Well, I mentioned 3, IT, lab tests and law.  There are others.

For many years, we were promised get an education and you'll always have
a job.  It appears that no longer holds true as many areas, such as
those I mentioned, are moving offshore.  What is someone starting out
today supposed to do?  What will be the next area moved offshore?  Even
some trades, such as aircraft maintenance are going.  We're heading into
a situation where more and more people will be unable to support
themselves.  Take a look at the news to find out about things like wage
& wealth inequality, people unable to afford a decent place to live or
even put food on the table.  And then look at where the money is going. 
Look at the super wealthy.  I mentioned Walmart.  In the U.S. they pay
many of their employees so poorly that they need social assistance just
to live.  One figure I recall was that each Walmart employee in
Wisconsin costs the taxpayers some $4K per year.  Let's not forget that
this is one of the wealthiest families in the U.S. being subsidized by
the taxpayers.  One example of many.

When people talk of cutting costs, they all too often forget about the
cost of cutting costs.  Guess who it is that all too often is forced to
pay for these "savings".

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