Looks like there's a bit more background from OSMF members here: Overturemaps.org - big-businesses OSMF alternative — https://community.openstreetmap.org/t/overturemaps-org-big-businesses-osmf-alternative/6760 (note that the poster SimonPoole in that thread is OSMF's legal counsel, or possibly former counsel. He's part of the OSM woodwork, and is the SME for data licensing)

It seems that the main actors in Overture were not happy with the rigorous way that data had to be vetted and approved by community before being allowed to be imported into OSM's database. Any OSM contributor can appeal any change in the map, and potentially have large data imports removed. (That's what happened with a community approved and Treasury Board of Canada supported countrywide import of buildings across Canada, btw. A mapper in Toronto didn't like that ‘his’ building outlines were going to be replaced, so raised enough of a stink that the whole project was abandoned.)

Overture does claim to add some features that OSM (by design) lacks: 3d support, routing and Points of Interest. OSM does have very large corporate users and contributors, but corporate users didn't like the democratic aspect, hence the fork to Overture.

Good luck to 'em. Let's hope they fare better than http://fosm.org/, a fork of the OSM database from mappers who didn't agree with the Great OSM Licence Change of 201x

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