On 2023-04-12 14:54, D. Hugh Redelmeier via talk wrote:
We don't seem to have a Public Key Infrastructure that makes digital
(cryptographic) signatures useful for non-computer work.

I think signing a document is a solemn act.  So I don't want to just paste
a .PNG of my signature, I want to actually sign it.

I don't have a modern Linux device with a stylus.  (Somewhere I have a
ThinkPad x61 and a couple of Sharp Zaurus PDAs.)

I do have an iPad and a ThinkPad C13 ChromeBook, both of which have
styli.  In each case it is a little intricate so I thought others might
find my methods useful.  Suggestions welcome.

You could do like my mother-in-law did.
Just take a pen to the screen on her laptop.

In her defense she it 94 and computers are truly magical to her.

Other than the immediate laugh at the situation after successfully cleaning the screen. I can understand how someone raised in the age of paper and pens would see that as a way to sign a document.

But I would like to see the Canadian government provide a PIK service since they are the owners of the SIN number which is used for all our tax and government interactions.

Alvin Starr                   ||   land:  (647)478-6285
Netvel Inc.                   ||   Cell:  (416)806-0133
al...@netvel.net              ||

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