| From: Alvin Starr via talk <talk@gtalug.org>

| The bit rate going over HDMI would be something like:
| Image height * Image width * pixel size * frame rate.
| So for an example:2048*1024*24*60 = 3,019,898,880bits/s
| Add on to that the overhead for some number of audio channels.

That's an odd resolution.  Of course that makes your point clearer:
it's just arithmetic.

But of course it is not.  There is a certain amount of extra
jiggery-pokery added.

My first post on this topic included a link to a table of bandwidths,
taking into account blanking regime.  It also says how to adjust for
sizes of different pixel encodings.


Is there a reason for them writing bits per colour as "bpc" instead of
"b/c"?  I think / is clearer than "p" in a unit.
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