I'm trying to get `labwc` running on a Debian 12 system using LightDM
as the login manager.  I chose labwc because I'm a long-time Openbox
user, and labwc is supposed to be almost a drop-in replacement for
Wayland.  Unfortunately, it's not available as a package so I had to
build it myself.  Which went reasonably well - although it demands a
newer version of wlroots than Debian has (Debian has 0.15.1, labwc
wants 0.16), so it downloaded and built that itself.  And at the end
of this, I ran `meson install --skip-subprojects -C build/` and it put
stuff in the /usr/local/ tree.  This dropped a
/usr/local/share/wayland-sessions/labwc.desktop file which LightDM has
ignored.  Probably fixable, but I instead copied it to
/usr/share/wayland-sessions/ alongside "weston.desktop".  This worked,
in the sense that I now have a "labwc" option at the LightDM login
screen, but didn't work in that attempting to use it blacks the screen
for 5-10 seconds and then returns to LightDM.  I should add that the
"weston" session works as expected.  Also, running `labwc` inside an X
session produces a window with a functioning labwc session inside of
it.  But of course I want to log directly into labwc.

Any thoughts or suggestions appreciated.

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