Hi Again:
Do you know if the developers at WindowEyes, AI2, have anyone developing
full-time using Visual Studio?
I just thought about this since I read something about another screen reader
having folks using Visual Studio full-time and thus their developers are
very aware of the windows controls used to develop projects against windows
and even for the web.
There are great project management tools produced by Microsoft, Visual
Studio is the gold standard when it comes to any Microsoft Project
development and the Microsoft Database and Database Management tools the
best on the market and...
WindowEyes is suppose to be a Microsoft Partner so shouldn't I expect them
to be using the Microsoft development platforms and management software on a
regular basis?
If this all sounds like griping perhaps you are right but I have been wating
and waiting to hear that WindowEyes would be going Microsoft ever since the
big publicity campaign about WindowEyes becoming a Microsoft Partner but
heard nothing since.
I am not slamming WE but trying to get a handle on if it is going to be a
useful tool for a major project I am building in Visual Studio which right
now it is not a solid choice.
Just frustrated with the hope and now the dwindling expectations of using
WindowEyes on modern development platforms - especially Visual Studio.
Rick USA

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