BTW, still, hardly anyone has written me back about my other TB question.

Is there a reliable way that I can move the message headings around in the message list? So, say for example, that a folder has it where the subject is first, followed then by the sender's name. What I want to do is reverse that so it looks more like Outlook. I want it where it has the sender's name, then the subject, then finally the date.

My mom was able to fix this for me on my main inbox folder of GMail by dragging the sender's name header and dropping it on the subject header to reverse them with the physical mouse, but try as I may in version 38 of TB, I cannot seem to get my mouse pointer to focus there where I can do this myself. It used to work, but apparently not anymore unless you all know something I don't. The bad thing is, I thought that would work globally, I didn't realize when she was doing this for me that there is a graphic you gotta click to apply to all folders.

Could someone maybe write me a script that would shift those two flip flopped on the active folder when TB is fully maximized, then hit the graphic to apply to all folders?

I'd be happy to pay via PayPal if someone could do that for me, if there really isn't a reliable way otherwise. I couldn't pay a huge amount for the script, but I'd be happy to pay up to $20 for it, should it not already be easily possible.

Just let me know.

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