Hi Chip: You are the number 1 source I would think of for scripting because
of your work with a complex environment like Office.
Rod and others have some good understanding and have done some nice work but
you have the large-scale experience of analysis of complex programs.
Yes, no matter what I did there would never be any up front money.
This is because there are some things that just cant be scripted.
The only qualifications would be that I am provided some way to get any
software necessary to be scriptd like if I were to develop a script for a
program like Visual Studio or Sonar or something that required extensive
But, as I have said, I don't envision myself as a scriptor and you know my
background and it isnt scripting.
It is a possibility but not likely given my dislike of analyzing other
peoples work using the tools available to us.
There is the possibility of creating external scripts that use native UIA
and that may offer some more advanced scripting options but you and perhaps
one or 2 others would know the complexities of third party scripting for
WindowEyes using a external script and the amount of work wouldn't be worth
the price for anyone without deep pockets.
I do not envision me doing anything along these lines unless some company or
government agency contacts me on behalf of some user and, even then, I would
likely have to decline because of my lack of experience.
But, I might recommend you or others on the scripting list as possible
options and, just perhaps, work with you guys on a script if it offered good
pay and a real benefit to some of the list members.
Anyway, this thread has been about beaten to death.
I have to see what Ross and oleusegun are interested in, I sort of know what
oleusegun has in mind - a point of sales program he    struggles with for
his small business.
The problem is getting a copy of the program to work with and the fact that
I am not setup for scripting and would have to ReEvaluate the existing tools
including my old Visual Studio scripting project that combined native UIA,
managed version, with the WindowEyes Object Model - not easy and, as you
noted, I would make nothing and not accept anything unless the job got done
and done right.
So the entire analysis and setting up of a scripting platform would fall on
my own shoulders which is the way I would want it in any situation - hay, I
am, or would be, applying for the job and my creed as you well know is its
your fault, my fault nobodys fault, just get the job done and done right or
don't charge the client.
That has been my creed for many, many years as anyone who knows me knows
that phrase well.
I just don't see me spending the time to develop scripts for larger
platforms like a point of sales program which may, or not, have the hooks
necessary to create a script in the first place.
But I know a really experienced scriptor like you have other tools to work
around some of the problems where the program in question doesn't offer
standard accessibility hooks for screen readers and that is exactly why I
would recommend you - I think you have the best chance of getting the job
done right and that is the endpoint of anything I do or recommend flat out.
I am not blowing smoke as you know but that is me and at my age I don't have
to change just to make a buck.
Rick USA
-----Original Message-----
From: Chip Orange [mailto:chip.ora...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2015 10:37 AM
To: 'Rick Thomas' <ofbgm...@mi.rr.com>; 'Window-Eyes Discussion List'
Subject: RE: Scripts Or Programs Users Willing To Pay A Little For

Hi Rick,

All the offers I've had for paid scripting work have been to make some
specific program or web site accessible.

Unfortunately, some people feel that they've tried to pay for this job to be
done in the past, and the scripter required money up front, but didn't
deliver (according to reports I've been given from one side of the story).

If you are looking to earn money via scripting work, this is where the
demand is ... perhaps you could add a timer or something such that the
script you deliver will stop working if you aren't paid, and then you agree
to not accept payment until the job is done satisfactorily?  Perhaps that
will make both sides happy ... and then there's the question of who owns the
source code, because when you do this kind of work, it's often marketable.



-----Original Message-----
From: Talk [mailto:talk-bounces+chip.orange=gmail....@lists.window-eyes.com]
On Behalf Of Rick Thomas via Talk
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 8:23 AM
To: 'Rod Hutton'; 'Window-Eyes Discussion List'
Subject: RE: Scripts Or Programs Users Willing To Pay A Little For

Hi Rod: Actually I was thinking of common things general computer users
would use like phone books, perhaps scheduling software or even some small
business packages.
The thing is that there is the MS Calander and related software most folks
could use but I don't know how accessible it is.
Also, there are other things folks might want to have like some of the
programs you scriptors have created ie. News weather and others that are
free so I am not sure if there is anything that most general users, not
scripters would want to have that they currently don't have or would like
something a little more comprehensive but totally accessible.
I would be developing in Visual Studio so would have access to some really
powerful features like a database and the MS UI controls along with other
very powerful tools in case some applications were more complex in nature.
But, I would charge of course something and since there would be alow cost I
would only build something if there either were enough folks who would pay a
little or someone wanted a custom project and willing to pay  a little more
if it were something I was also interested in like some business software.
These would be folks most likely to be on this list since the scripters are
likely to already have what they want or have created a down and dirty
version of something.
As for actual scripting I might consider it but as you know I am not all
that interested in creating scripts but it is a possibility if there were
something worth while slogging through and I could get the scripts created
in Visual Studio so I could also use the managed UIA accessibility
But that is what I am tossing around in the back of my mind and why I
elected this list instead of the scripting list.
Rick USA

-----Original Message-----
From: Rod Hutton [mailto:rod_hut...@hotmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 7:54 AM
To: 'Rick Thomas' <ofbgm...@mi.rr.com>; 'Window-Eyes Discussion List'
Subject: RE: Scripts Or Programs Users Willing To Pay A Little For

Hi Rick,

Two things:
First, I'm not sure what you're asking.
Second, I suggest you submit this question, with a bit more clarification,
to the scripting list.

Many thanks,


-----Original Message-----
From: Talk
[mailto:talk-bounces+rod_hutton=hotmail....@lists.window-eyes.com] On Behalf
Of Rick Thomas via Talk
Sent: October 12, 2015 7:17 AM
To: 'Window-Eyes Discussion List' <talk@lists.window-eyes.com>
Subject: Scripts Or Programs Users Willing To Pay A Little For

Hi: I was thinking about developing a new Website to do some contract
programming and, or, develop some accessible scripts or software.
Is there any type of program or scripting most folks would pay a few bucks
for if available in a screen reader friendly format?
There is already allot of software out there, free, and some of it is pretty
accessible so I am not sure there would be anything related to this lists
members but thought I would ask since I am considering the options before
figuring out if it would be worth while to even get into this field for
Rick USA

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