There's nothing wrong with wishing. But it will never happen.
The fact that FS has the Window-Eyes code is actually irrelevant. Windows screen readers are too deeply integrated into the core of the operating system. Window-Eyes is more like an extension to windows than a standard program. So, in practical terms, there's little more than its name that can be used to start at square one and write an Android screen reader. While even the most simplest cross-platform program works fine for the sighted mouse clicker they all cause problems to varying degrees for us. And there's no such thing as porting a program like Window-Eyes to another operating system. Secondly, Android is a mobile operating system. And like iOS it, relatively speaking, places enormous limitations on every developer in order to get the most out of the least. So we will never have a mobile screen reader with the power of Window-Eyes. It is an inherent limitation of mobile operating systems. The more broad and powerful features incorporated into a screen reader the greater its burden is on the operating system. This is why these operating systems place so many limitations on developers, i.e. they don't even possess a fraction of the programmatic options Windows offers. TalkBack and VoiceOver are both little more than the equivalent of Window-Eyes browse mode. And "mode" is the key word here. Every Windows screen reader is, at its core, two screen readers: one for browse mode and another for everything else. The demise of Window-Eyes pains me every day. While I thought it always the best screen reader on the market, it's implementation of scripting is the absolute gold standard. No other screen reader even begins to compare with it in that regard. It is virtually unlimited. But back to mobile operating systems. It's like trying to replace a dump-truck with a compact car. Perhaps one day, after a few major technological breakthroughs we'll get there. But right now the laws of physics are being very uncooperative. Unless your needs are fairly basic, I think trying to replace a full blown computer with a mobile device will be frustrating at best. I don't and never had had an Android device. But I fell prey to the iPad hype the last time I would have purchased a new laptop. For the most part, and I stress this is for my particular needs, it was a waste of money. Even though I bought the top of the line iPad pro and Apple's keyboard and case bundle, at the end of the day it's nothing more than an iPhone without the phone. These devices are so popular because the vast majority of users want to surf the web, use social media, email, listen to music and podcasts, and keep a grocery list. So they're perfectly satisfied.
I hope Android works out better for you.

On 8/29/2018 8:01 AM, Olusegun -- Victory Associates LTD, Inc. via Talk wrote:
Dennis, I didn't say Window-Eyes is COMING to Android!  Nonetheless, it is a
wish and wishes have never been horses as there are far too many beggars
ready to get on for the jolly ride.  I am most certainly proud to be one of
such beggars!  If Window-Eyes for Android ever becomes a reality, then what?
Nothing wrong with a wish, and you don't need to be overtly condescending if
a wish does not align with your thought processes.

Denver, Colorado

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