I can't imagine why it would work on one account and not the other. It works fine here on my admin account. However, the mouse left and right click keys are the slash and star keys. 5 and plus are mouse line and cursor to mouse. The only thing I can think of to try is to make the standard account your admin account, delete the original admin account, and make a new one, copying the standard, now admin, account. Then switch whichever one you want to the standard account. I would also do this with your anti-virus malware protection off. For what it's worth, I whitelist all the folders for Window-Eyes and NVDA.

On 2/12/2020 8:45 PM, net bat2 via Talk wrote:
is there anyone left on this list?
i had to reinstall windows 10.
i have a admin and standard user account.
the problem is with the admin account.

the w e number pad functions don't work in the admin account but are ok with the standard account. like the num pad 5 does a left mouse click and theĀ  plus key does the right mous click.
the keys for top and bottom of screen do nothing.
i tried changeing keyboard layouts. but all of them do the same thing.
i copied the default folder from the standard user account to the admin default folder with the same results. i checked in windows for the keyboard language. all is set to english and a standard pc keyboard. which i have. it is wired. not a usb keyboard. the w e functions were working before i re installed windows 10 19.9 a few weeks ago.
does anyone know what i can do?
thanks if there is anyone left. grin

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