I think it's pretty impressive that for a multi-day KDE event, all
about their new 4.0 release, that we get practically 5 entire minutes
of their main keynote speech turned over to the promotion of OSM,
instead of promotion of KDE! It's not like we got mentioned in an
incidental speech, or one about Marble specifically. And given that
they develop an office suite, the talk about ODF support was an
illustrative aside during the talk about OSM support!

Is anyone here helping the Marble developers with this? It would be
nice to help out if they want custom tilesets or the like, and make
sure that we can crowbar as many OSM-derived maps into the application
as we can get away with.


On Jan 20, 2008 3:56 PM, Matt Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Aaron Seigo mentioned and did a wonderful bit of advertising for OSM during
> his keynote speech for the KDE4 release at the Google headquarters in
> Mountainview CA yesterday. The full video can be found at
> http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6642148224800885420 but if you just
> want the OSM stuff, skip ahead to 1:11:00.
> Matt Williams
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