On Jan 28, 2008 1:40 PM, Adam Boardman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The 'other' go at this has the following suggested fields:
> http://burghthof.nl/osm/apiinfo.php
> I would suggest the addition of a longer description field where more of
> an argument can be added (a note under query could have multiple people
> adding text to this). Also fields for whether the note has been
> actioned.

Yes, a longer description field is useful for giving more info. I
would suggest a ticket number, so you don't get discussion like: I
fixed that bug near Timbuktoo. Assigned by the server ofcourse :)

> From looking at kleptog's one it has more of a structure to the
> feedback, I would suggest that if such options are presented they make
> up the content of the short note, eg: 'Road - Missing road', 'Poi - Name
> incorrect'. That way we can have the same data model with different
> front ends, also makes it easy to add extra options to the list offered.

Sounds good to me. I just figured that directed questions would be
useful for getting more info out of lay users. But I wasn't thinking
of special storage for it.

I think we're 90% of the way already, it just needs to be finished.

Have a nice day,
Martijn van Oosterhout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://svana.org/kleptog/

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