Robin Paulson wrote:
> On 04/02/2008, Hakan Tandogan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> My problem is that the template only shows "official" values for the
>> shop key, but there might be more tags that are used only locally. Could
>> the template render those additional tags after the "official" list,
>> perhaps with a divider row between the official and unofficial /
>> deprecated ones? That way, the <Language>:Map_Features pages could
>> really turn into a list of template references.
> i presume you're talking about doing some analysis of planet.osm and
> producing a list of all tags that are used but don't occur in the map
> features page. i think this has been talked about before, and it's a
> good idea, once you get past the noise form spelling mistakes, foreign
> words, gibberish, etc.

Actually, I'm talking about creating a Map_Features page where new 
values for given keys (e.g. "highway", "shop") appear. The only part I'm 
complaining is that the Template only allows the "approved" values 
whereas I'd like it to show the approved ones first and the "semi-legal" 
ones after a divider line.

>> The other thing I don't really understand are the pages for
>> Tag:<key>=<value>. Do I assume correctly that those pages are only
>> necessary if a certain value is complicated enough that it deserves its
>> own explication?
> no, i think it's a matter of time. every tag needs text explaining
> it's use, even if it's only to refer to a generic page which covers 20
> similar tags (say for 'shop').

Yes, but in that case, the generic page would be the "Tag:shop" page 
itself. You have to find a middle point between too many sub-pages (too 
many clicks to get at the information, can't print it on one long page, 
etc.) and too long main pages.


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