On 09/02/2008, Lauri Hahne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> But the problem is that copyright is opt-out, not opt-in. So not
> having no mention of copyright gives you no right what so ever. Though
> if it's just a list of facts, it's only covered by database rights
> which don't apply unless there has been a lot of work in creating the
> database.

Well it's a discussion worth having, and I wouldn't import the stuff
without being sure of my grounds. But what we're dealing with is a
publicly funded body making information available for the use of all
comers and not asserting any restrictions on the use they might put it
to. The typical user of these data would be sailors who would, I
imagine, add them to all manner of charts and personal waypoint
databases, many of which would be passed on to third parties. There
seems plenty of precedent for using the data for all purposes.

I'm also not against actually asking for permission - the relaxed
approach shown to the data's being made available online ought to
translate into a tolerant attitude to such a request.


PS: I'd still love to see those lighthouses we do map appearing on the
rendered output.

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