Mike Collinson schrieb:
> At 04:25 PM 9/02/2008, Lauri Hahne wrote:
>> On 09/02/2008, Dermot McNally <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> PS: I'd still love to see those lighthouses we do map appearing on the
>>> rendered output.
>> Usually that requires pressuring the right guys in irc.
> Or just politely asking, :-) .  More seriously, I'd guess one issue is that 
> this needs a decent copyright-free SVG icon. Anyone who could provide one 
> would be a big help.
For several weeks (months?) now I'm working on the collection of OSM 
icons to become Public Domain (my main interest is JOSM, but I also try 
to provide a full range of formats as well). There are already lot's of 
icons (both SVG and PNG) in the subversion.

Well, before repeating myself again and again I've written down a wiki 
page, see: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Map_Icons

In fact, there are already lot's of SVG format PD icons in SVN, see: 
http://www.gpsdrive.de/development/map-icons/overview_lic.en.shtml. For 
example, you'll find an SVG icon (PD) of a lighthouse in the subversion 

So no excuse for not rendering POI's here, at least not because of a 
missing icon ;-)

Regards, ULFL

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