I agree with Andy 100%. In fact, i'm going to use proposal as a template 
for some standards I would like to create for tags in Canada.

I do have one question though. Isn't the scope of OSM to be street maps? 
Isn't adding detailed information about golf courses (hole locations, 
ideal path from tee to hole, etc..) outside the scope of the open street 
map project?



Andy Allan wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> I'd just like to say how much I like this proposal, even though I have
> little interest in it. I especially like the way that you have taken a
> large subject and created a proposal to address the whole topic rather
> than just proposing individual tags in a piecemeal fashion, and gone
> to a lot of time and effort to make it comprehensive and well written.
> It's also in ideal shape to form a reference for how to tag golf
> courses as a one-page guide, again rather than the more common
> approach of considering one tag at a time. I don't know why we persist
> in explaining the meaning of individual tags on the wiki when surely
> the more common approach is that someone has a real life situation
> that they are mapping and want to know *all* the different tags that
> apply.
> Finally, I hope you stick with the simple tag names (like par= and
> ref=) and avoid prefixes like golf_ (and piste:lift: etc) that some
> people are suggesting. It makes it much simpler for mappers (which is
> most important) and can be dealt with by everyone else (when they
> realise that golf refs and motorway refs can be distinguished because
> one is on a highway=motorway and the other on a golf=hole!).
> All in all, a great example for others to follow, and that's from
> someone well known to pay little heed to the voting process!
> Cheers,
> Andy
> On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 6:41 PM, Daniel Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>>  there is a new RFC regarding golf courses.
>>  I tried to include a lot of Wikipedia links to make it comprehensible
>>  even for non-golfers. Please take a look at it and share your opinion.
>>  http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Proposed_features/Golf_course
>>  Greets,
>>  Daniel
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