>> Does your device let you have a one-button operation to add a waypoint
and a simultaneous voice note?

Alas not. It's a Nokia N95. But it does allow for easy audio recording.

> I wonder whether the following might also be useful: if you selected a
folder at the "import audio" stage, to have JOSM make audio markers for each
WAV > file in the folder at points on the GPX track determined by the file
creation dates. We could allow for an offset in the clocks by a sync in the
same > > way as now, but apply it across all the markers, not just those
with a common audio source.

Bingo. THAT would do the job and cater for any drift!

> I wrote the audio stuff primarily with a dictaphone in mind, rather than a
networked device. The more I learn about what other kinds of device can do
in > practice, the more I can tailor this interface.

Well I for one would be a happy man with such a feature. As said, my N95
does not do waypoint marking, and neither does my external Bluetooth data
logger which I use with the N95. But being able to sync with audio by file
creation would be a bonus.

You see, looking at an earlier thread re speed cameras etc an audio note can
be, er, how should I put it, more discrete than photo tagging.


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