I must admit that I have never liked the use of such a large symbol
(green bus) for bus stops on the mapnik layer. I would be inclined to
use that for bus stations and design a smaller symbol for road-side bus
stops (yet can think of no suitable symbol just now - except perhaps a
small green loppypop). However, the disparity is usage shown by Jon's
stats rather puts me off doing that just now. By usage bus station seems
to be predominantly considered an an "amenity", and bus stops a
"highway" feature.


Steve Chilton, Learning Support Fellow
Learning and Technical Support Unit Manager
School of Health and Social Sciences
Middlesex University
phone/fax: 020 8411 5355

Chair of the Society of Cartographers: http://www.soc.org.uk/

SoC conference 2008:
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jon Burgess
Sent: 06 April 2008 13:26
To: Steven te Brinke
Cc: talk@openstreetmap.org
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Mapnik: amenity=bus_station

On Sun, 2008-04-06 at 13:38 +0200, Steven te Brinke wrote:
> Hello,
> The current mapnik rules will render amenity=bus_stop, but the map 
> features define it as amenity=bus_station.
> Steven

I seem to remember that the rendering for amenity=bus_stop was put in
because it was in use prior to the approval of highway=bus_stop in
Map_Features. It was never intended to be bus_station.

We should probably render amenity=bus_station too but we should use a
more significant icon and render them at lower zooms.

The counts of the different 'bus*' values from the latest planet dump
are below for reference...

gis=> select amenity,count(amenity) as number from planet_osm_point
where amenity like 'bus%' group by amenity order by number desc;
     amenity     | number
 bus_station     |   1051
 bus_stop        |    216
 bus stop        |      5
 bus_depot       |      3
 bus_terminal    |      2
 busstop         |      2
 bus_parking     |      2
 bus station     |      1
 business_park   |      1
 business centre |      1
 bus_stop?       |      1
(11 rows)

gis=> select highway,count(highway) as number from planet_osm_point
where highway like 'bus%' group by highway order by number desc;
     highway      | number
 bus_stop         |  13532
 bus_halt         |    230
 bus_station      |     69
 bus stop         |      4
 busstop          |      4
 bus_stop         |      2
 bus_sluice       |      1
 bus_stop:forward |      1
(8 rows)


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