On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 3:58 AM, Martijn van Oosterhout
> On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 3:05 PM, Jonathan Bennett
>  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > Frederik Ramm wrote:
>  >  > A completely different (and quite OSM-like!) option is dropping all this
>  >  > complex logic, left-right-blah tagging, number schemes, relations and
>  >  > all, and just put simple nodes: "This is B street number 25". This
>  >  > brings redundancy, typos, and all - but we're used to that. It would be
>  >  > *extremely* easy to edit, and renderers or routers would have to do a
>  >  > little bit of processing to work with the data. Not too hard probably.
>  >
>  >  I think this scheme works best, because we can carry it forward to
>  >  houses being areas tagged 'building=...' -- there's an issue with
>  >  semi-detached and terraced houses to be worked out (1 way per building
>  >  vs. 1 way per residence), but that's probably some way off needing to be
>  >  solved.
>  The biggest problem with this is that it's essentially impossible to
>  convert existing house number data to this format. We have for NL
>  complete house number data in the form of: left/right start/end
>  scheme. Converting this to what you suggest is, well, essentially
>  impossible.
>  So maybe we should use both. The rest of the GIS world works fine on
>  left/right start/end scheme, I don't know why we need to do anything
>  else.

Perhaps we could take a Google Maps approach to this.  Currently they
have a method that when given a location that isn't quite right, the
user is allowed to move the point to the "correct" spot.  This sounds
a lot like what we have going for us with some tweaks to the Potlach

We could import the range data, by evenly spacing "street number"
nodes along the road in question.  Local mappers can easily move the
nodes around in JOSM and end users/consumers of the data can adjust
addresses they know in a one off fashion via Potlach.



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