Andy Allan wrote:
> least if you're making
> proposals on how to tag pedestrian crossings, the first piece of
> research should be how they are *already* being tagged. If you're not
> aware of it, that's no excuse for ignoring it.

Umm, OK.  I'll keep that in mind if I ever make a proposal for how to 
tag pedestrian crossings.  Newsflash: I am not the creator of that proposal.

In any case, if I were to create a proposal for that, my first source of 
information on how they are currently tagged would have been the wiki. 
And until today, I would have found only the proposal, and not your 
scheme even if I had happened to choose the word "crossing" for my search.

So don't give me any crap about how *anyone* should have known that the 
tag "crossing" was already in use, given that your usage of it was 
totally undocumented.

> I gave the figures for the whole planet earlier. I'm not wasting my
> time posting them a second time just because you're skim reading.

Fair enough; I missed that because I didn't read below your signoff 
(which happened to be at the break in my mailreader).  So, OK, there's 
another 60 beyond what I found in tagwatch.  Who wants to bet they're 
all in the UK, and those 60 were added since tagwatch was updated on 12 

Even with the additional 60, it's not "widespread" even within the UK. 
(478 crossings out of however many hundreds of thousands total, in the 
UK alone -- let alone the world)

-Alex Mauer "hawke"

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