>  Fair enough; I missed that because I didn't read below your signoff
>  (which happened to be at the break in my mailreader).  So, OK, there's
>  another 60 beyond what I found in tagwatch.  Who wants to bet they're
>  all in the UK, and those 60 were added since tagwatch was updated on 12
>  April?
>  Even with the additional 60, it's not "widespread" even within the UK.
>  (478 crossings out of however many hundreds of thousands total, in the
>  UK alone -- let alone the world)

Some more stats for you on the end of the mail.
In summary:
 - there are 3909 highway=crossing entered in the DB, 665 crossing=*
and a combined total of 4348 (216 share the tags)
 - toucan, zebra, pelican, puffin are used exclusively in the UK, bar
2 toucans in Germany
 - there are 141 uses of the crossing key outside of the UK -- most of
these are traffic_signals or uncontrolled
 - bicycle=yes is used in the crossing context 18 times, 10 of those
in the UK, and 2 with crossing=toucan
 - horse=yes isn't used at all in this context, but then there aren't
any pegasus crossings either, pity.

By my calculation that's just 10 bicycle crossings marked outside of
the UK using either tagging scheme at the current time.


caveat: country is calculated using the world boundaries which are
used on the main mapnik layer middle-zoom levels to render land. It's
not exactly entirely accurate.

select highway,crossing,country,count(*) as c from (select
find_cntry(way) as country, * from planet_osm_point where
highway='crossing' or crossing is not null) as crossings group by
highway,crossing,country order by c desc;

     highway     |    crossing     |        country         |  c
 crossing        |                 | United Kingdom         | 803
 crossing        |                 | Germany                | 709
 crossing        |                 |                        | 583
 crossing        |                 | Czech Republic         | 271
 crossing        |                 | Sweden                 | 222
 crossing        |                 | France                 | 181
 crossing        |                 | Norway                 | 139
 crossing        |                 | Australia              | 139
 crossing        |                 | Spain                  | 106
 traffic_signals | pelican         | United Kingdom         |  97
 crossing        | zebra           | United Kingdom         |  90
 crossing        |                 | Canada                 |  80
 crossing        |                 | Iran                   |  73
                 | toucan          | United Kingdom         |  70
 crossing        | toucan          | United Kingdom         |  61
 crossing        |                 | Italy                  |  48
 traffic_signals | toucan          | United Kingdom         |  45
 traffic_signals | traffic_signals | Germany                |  45
 crossing        |                 | United States          |  44
                 | pelican         | United Kingdom         |  43
 crossing        |                 | Russia                 |  42
 crossing        |                 | Switzerland            |  42
 crossing        | pelican         | United Kingdom         |  36
 crossing        |                 | Ireland                |  36
                 | uncontrolled    | Byelarus               |  34
                 | zebra           | United Kingdom         |  32
 crossing        |                 | Austria                |  32
 crossing        |                 | Romania                |  31
 crossing        |                 | Byelarus               |  23
                 | traffic_signals | Byelarus               |  23
 crossing        |                 | Philippines            |  14
 crossing        |                 | Poland                 |  14
                 | traffic_signals | Germany                |  13
 crossing        | traffic_signals | United Kingdom         |  12
 crossing        |                 | Belgium                |  11
 crossing        |                 | Denmark                |  10
                 | uncontrolled    | Germany                |   9
 crossing        |                 | Japan                  |   9
 crossing        |                 | Netherlands            |   8
                 | island          | United Kingdom         |   7
 traffic_signals | traffic_signals | United Kingdom         |   6
 crossing        | uncontrolled    | Germany                |   6
 crossing        |                 | Hungary                |   4
crossing        |                 | India                  |   4
 crossing        |                 | Luxembourg             |   4
 crossing        |                 | Turkey                 |   3
 crossing        | uncontrolled    | United Kingdom         |   3
 crossing        | traffic_lights  | United Kingdom         |   3
                 | yes             | United Kingdom         |   3
 crossing        |                 | Slovenia               |   2
 crossing        |                 | Kazakhstan             |   2
 traffic_signals | none            | Germany                |   2
 crossing        | traffic_signals | Germany                |   2
                 | toucan          | Germany                |   2
 traffic_signals | toucan          |                        |   2
                 | uncontrolled    | United Kingdom         |   1
 traffic_signals | Zebra           | United Kingdom         |   1
 traffic_signals | traffic_lights  | United Kingdom         |   1
 crossing        |                 | Lithuania              |   1
                 | underpass       | United Kingdom         |   1
 crossing        | puffin          | United Kingdom         |   1
 traffic_signals | no              | Byelarus               |   1
 crossing        | unclassified    | United Kingdom         |   1
 crossing        |                 | South Africa           |   1
                 | traffic_lights  | Germany                |   1
 crossing        |                 | Bosnia and Herzegovina |   1
 crossing        | uncontrolled    | Norway                 |   1
 crossing        |                 | Slovakia               |   1

total highway='crossing' == 4348

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