On 12/05/2008 09:38, Steve Hill wrote:
> On Sun, 11 May 2008, Jeffrey Martin wrote:
>> Did we ever decide what to do when a road continues but
>> we didn't continue down the road?
> I tend to do "fixme=Road continues" or "fixme=Footway continues". 

I put "name=whatever (tbc)" so it is clear to someone looking at the 
rendered map that there is something incomplete.

> Although to be honest, in most cases for roads I either follow them as far 
> as they go (when I am doing real OSM surveying), or I am just collecting a 
> track as I drive on some other business so I don't get any detail other 
> than the road's position (and thus won't know if the road continues when I 
> review the track later).

You've got to stop somewhere - not all roads are dead ends and it is 
impossible to do a settlement of 20,000 people in one session - and 
putting in stub ends of bits you know aren't going to be done at least 
gives a clue that there is more there (and that you know there is more 


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