Shaun McDonald schrieb:

> If the use of the cycle is required, and the only other path is the
> road, then putting bicycle=no on the road will cause routing
> algorithms for cyclists to push the cyclist to the adjacent cycleway.

This would be wrong in Germany.  Using the road is not forbidden in
Germany, it is just that you must use "accompanying" cycleway.  And
this "accompanying" is often highly discussed...  And if the
cycleway is too dangerous, (mis)used for parking, or does not go to
your destination, you are not forced any longer to stay on the
cycleway.  Tagging a street with bicycle=no is only appropriate,
if there is placed such road sign.

> I would also like to see the value bicycle=dismount, for short
> sections where cyclists have to dismount as part of the cycle network.

For me, those sections are simply highway=footway without bicycle=yes.
If there is a road sign disallowing cycling explicitly, I add
bicycle=no.  bicycle=dismount won't hurt, but is not needed, IMO.

Karl Eichwalder

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