Dave Stubbs wrote:

> We have literally thousands of miles of unnamed roads in London... and
> the vast, vast majority of these /should/ have names. And I'm going to
> go try and fix them, and would like to know when not to bother.

When it's a single road or far out of the way of where you're mapping,
would be my suggestion.  It's probably fine to go a few blocks out of
the way to check out one unnamed road, and probably fine to go few mile
or two out of the way to check a whole neighborhood of unnamed roads.  I
for one will not be going 100 miles out of the way to check an unnamed
road (or indeed to map at all).  It's a judgment call, so your mileage
may vary. No pun intended.

> This is one of those cases where we have actually identified a problem
> and are figuring out how to fix it, rather than just inventing crap
> for the sake of it.

Good!  Karl suggested using the "reviewed" tag, and I agree with that.
Mark all unnamed roads in the area you're mapping with "reviewed=no",
and then once you've reviewed them, delete the tag.  I just don't see a
need to mark out that the name specifically has been reviewed.

-Alex Mauer "hawke"

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