
To warm up the topic again...
I made one relation for a few of the cycle routes of the town 
"Nidderau". Those are somehow official routes with signs along the way 
that show a little bicycle, so you know where to turn and from time to 
time bigger signs that show the directions to the different 
towns/villages that the current track will lead to.

The ways that those routes are on vary widely, from a small track that 
is under 1m wide up to main roads through towns.


Here is the relation I did so far. I tagged it as Local cycle network, 
even though I would think that I would need another category under this 
one.. maybe something like ucn for micro cycle network ?



Raphael Studer wrote:
>> I have a map from the local authorities with very short cycle routes
>> that lead from one village to another. They mostly use those "tracks".
>> Should I tag the ways as tracks and create a relation for every route
>> (maybe 2-5km long) or is there  a better way to handle this ?
> If the ways are tracks, then tag them as tracks :)
> Creating routes (as realtions) for cyclenetworks is verry common.
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Relations/Routes
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Cycle_routes
> Regards,
> Raphael

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