Thanks for the quick action. The amount of data downloaded by the query 
was significantly more then before so that was already promising. 
Looking at the data in JOSM showed no sign of crippled roads so that bug 
appears to be squashed.

However the bbox parameter still does not seem to do what I expect from 
it (data returning from UK, NL, DE and BE instead of roughly a province 
in NL). Reversing the parameters gives almost but not exactly the same 

-rw-rw-r-- 1 lambertus lambertus 16519465 Sep 11 08:45 data.osm.4 (wget[network=rcn][bbox=5.5,52.0,6.3,52.3])
-rw-rw-r-- 1 lambertus lambertus 16397318 Sep 11 09:14 data.osm.5 (wget[bbox=5.5,52.0,6.3,52.3][network=rcn])

The one that was downloaded half an hour later is a bit smaller to my 
surprise. I tried to find out what was the difference but visually there 
are no changes to spot, but diff outputs so much that I don't know what 
to do with it.

80n wrote:
> I've found a bug and fixed it.  Can you try again and let me know how it goes?
> 80n

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