Simon wrote:

> This is my method too.  I have converted before, but always
> included
> both maxspeed=* (~km/h) and maxspeed:mph=* (mph)

OK, I can see having (or allowing for) both of these makes some sort of sense, 
although it does lead to the situation where you might have two maxspeed tags 
for a way which might not even be close to agreeing (say if one user adds 
maxspeed:mph=30 at one time and someone later adds maxspeed=30 without 
specifying units anywhere). Users of the data would then need some sort of 
algorithm to try and determine which is most likely to be accurate, and I would 
suggest that may need to perhaps use knowledge of individual countries to know 
whether their limits are in mph or km/h anyway, so that would suggest country 
specific units wouldn't have been any extra issue in the first place. Certainly 
with the UK maxspeed data as it currently stands, it will need some sort of 
algorithm to try and work out what the maxspeed value represents.

However, having changed my maxspeed=30mph tags to maxspeed:mph=30 and got the 
tiles rerendered, this still doesn't seem to help with the maplint 
not-in-map_features highlighting, and even if it did then it still probably 
wouldn't like maxspeed(with or without :mph)=national to mark roads that are at 
the national speed limit (I've not checked to see whether it copes with 
maxspeed=none as is recommended for relevant German autobahns, but I'd guess 
not, and I can see despite the suggestion to use it on the maxspeed wiki page 
[1], the proposal to formalise it currently seems to be being generally opposed 

Also, checking Tagwatch [0], maxspeed:mph=30 seems much less common than 
maxspeed=30mph so this does seem to be a minority choice for tagging, although 
could be added to Map Features easily enough as a numeric value and so not 
highlighted by Maplint. I guess this then means any other maxspeed:units should 
also be added. Does anyone use maxspeed:knots for example?

I'm almost tempted to add maxspeed=30mph and maxspeed:mph=30 - just to be clear 
what the speed limit actually is <g>. 

I can see no point at all in putting a km/h speed limit value on a tag unless 
the sign is in km/h (and I believe I have read of a few in the UK). Surely it 
should be down to the users of the data to do the conversion of maxspeed at 
whatever accuracy they want, rather than making the people collecting the data 
calculate something other than that which is physically denoted on the signs, 
resulting in differing degrees of rounding which the user of the data would 
then have to guess means 30mph, effectively converting from estimate to 
accurate and back to desired accuracy. As long as the units are clearly 
expressed if they are not the default then this shouldn't be a problem (and I'm 
assuming no-one would read mph as metres per hour, except perhaps snails).

Looking at the comments about maxspeed on the wiki at present, perhaps some 
consideration should be put towards some proposal, such as:
maxspeed=number (optional units from predefined list, default km/h)
maxspeed:opposite=number (optional units from predefined list, default km/h)
maxspeed:psv=number (optional units etc)
maxspeed:psv:opposite=number (optional etc)
which would allow for where single ways have different speeds in opposite 
directions (I can't think of any examples, but someone asked about it on 
maxspeed discussion page), and where different vehicle types (I use psv only as 
one example) have different limits - I think it more common on things like the 
French toll routes than in the UK; in the UK some vehicle types have different 
limit, but that is a feature of the vehicle therefore and not something that 
needs mapping). I have suggested the optional units here be with the value as 
that avoids having multiple contradictory maxspeeds that differ only in the 
units specified; it is for this reason I was using maxspeed=30mph originally 
(rather than maxspeed:mph=30, as I had seen mention of both alternatives 

I note though maxspeed=walk seems to be looking like it might get voted through 
[3], which wouldn't fit very well with the above.



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