I added the conversion table to maxspeed, as I do a lot of maxspeed tagging
in my area. I read the maxspeed definition as needing a numeric value in
km/h. While km/h doesn't mean a lot to me, I does to whatever app I use to
draw speed limit signs (or, more likely, whatever app runs a satnav system
and informs the user when they're over the stated maxspeed for the way
they're on)
The maxspeed needs to be computer-readable, so people tagging maxspeed=30
when the wiki states km/h is misleading, to my mind. People tagging as 30mph
is fine, as that can be parsed to a consistent value anyway.

I think it should be in the database as rounded numeric km/h for the
following reasons:
1) 30 mph/30mph/30 all meaning 48 is difficult to parse (or at least, more
2) tagging in floating point is more accurate, but rounding the result to 0
dp seems sensible (I also did that because I didn't know if floating-points
were approved in the database)
3) The conversion table is an accurate table to 0dp - some people according
to the tags-in-use pages seem to have converted the value inaccurately, so I
thought it'd save people doing bad math... (30mph != 50km/h, though if we
get converted by europe it might change to that)
4) the wiki says km/h, as as previous suggested it's sometimes (often)
unclear which unit was meant by mapper, and which unit is in use where the
tag in (international waters/boundaries/ways crossing borders/etc

And I'd welcome a sed-like change to the database to "fix" (imho) the
maxspeed=30mph tags (I'd like them consistent. I not too bothered if we
store millions of "mph" strings instead of just using km/h, as long as I can
easily parse the data)

Oh, and I tend to only tag ways with non-national speed limits on - I assume
there's a country-wide default maxspeed per road type (though again the
border problem raises it's head)


2008/10/8 Ed Loach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Mark wrote:
> > Maybe <grin> this is calling out for a 'bot approach, to take
> > maxspeed:mph & add a numeric maxspeed, to check out
> > maxspeed=30's & mark
> > them in some way (restricted to UK, obviously), and to check
> > for entries
> > of both=30 & fix them?
> <snip>
> > +1 on the namespace; I'm not generally keen on it, but here it
> > makes
> > sense.
> I'd argue that it doesn't make sense, in that if you allow both
> maxspeed:mph and maxspeed as valid tags, a way may end up tagged
> with both showing contradictory speed information. It makes more
> sense to have maxspeed=<number><optional units; assume km/h if none
> specified> to avoid the chance of that happening. It does make sense
> for other situations, such as if opposite directions have different
> limits (e.g. maxspeed:opposite=<number><optional units>), or if
> different vehicle types have different limits (e.g.
> maxspeed:psv=<number><optional units>) as these clearly can't lead
> to contradictory information (assuming that if a vehicle type is
> specified it overrides any other maxspeed tags).
> Ed
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