2008/10/7 Philip Homburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I think local norms are fine. However that requires a lot of localization 
> work.
> But a global norm is better than a local one.
> Localization is likely to happen anyway when people start displaying speed
> limits. Or do you want to tag even the smallest country road with the
> appropriate speed limit for all types of vehicles?
> Maybe technical solutions are an option: defining administrative areas that
> contain the defaults that apply.

This works in theory, but we are some way off it in practice. You
either need to tell every segment of road which administrative area it
lies within (can be difficult) _or_ to get your boundaries dead right
(this is proving very tricky with today's sources). Most end-devices
will probably be too stupid to apply such rules on the fly, though
pre-processing is certainly an option.

> I'm a bit worried about routing software sending people the wrong way up
> a dual-carriage way. I very much prefer to default to a safe state. And that
> means either requiring explicit yes/no oneway tags for both motorway and
> trunk or implying oneway for those roads.

Only the explicit tagging is a valid choice, then. I'm certainly not
retagging the bulk of my national road network to oneway=no just
because of shifts in local interpretations of what a trunk road is.
And it still doesn't solve the problem of dual-carriageway primary,
secondary or tertiary roads, of which there are plenty.

>>those that are members of a dual_carriageway relation
> I think this is risky: if one way or another the dual_carriageway relation
> is not there, then routing software will default to an unsafe configuration.

I think you're misunderstanding me here - nothing will protect us from
broken tagging. But I'm saying that the mapper should have a choice.
Either explicitly tag your carriageways as oneway or, if you value
tidiness, provide a relation. It's my counter-offer to those who say
"all trunks in my country are dual, therefore I want to reduce clutter
by implying oneway". I'm saying "No, if you want to reduce clutter, do
so by using the relation. This way, we solve the problem of clutter
for all road types, but we don't invalidate existing trunks.".


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