
vegard wrote:
>> Is it really so important for the map to look the same in Chile and in 
>> China?
> Well. You have to remember that rendering is not all,

Ok, then: "Is it really so important for routing software to work 
identically in Chile and in China"?

Look at it this way: How many Chinese have taken part in the vote that 
"deprecated" highway=gate? None. It is a vote taken exclusively by 
Europeans. A few years hence, the majority of OSMers might well be 
Chinese, with, perhaps, a wholly different approach on how to tag things 
and different ideas on what "feels right". They might well hold a vote 
and decide to use highway=gate instead of barrier=gate... as long as 10 
people take part in a vote you can go back and forth and back again 
every month.

If I put my mind to it, I could easily muster enough OSMers I know 
personally to turn over the highway=gate vote next month, just for the 
fun of it. That should demonstrate to you how little weight the process 

So I'd rather not be too fast with implementing the results of a vote.

> It's just a bit silly to encourage keeping of
> highway=gate when we've just voted on barrier=gate.

Who's "we"? *I* have not voted. There are more than 2.000 different 
people who have used highway=gate. How many people have voted to replace 
it with something else, and do you really think this is enough?


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