On Sat, 2008-12-06 at 17:12 +0100, Robert Vollmert wrote:
> there seem to be a few Garmin users around here. If you'd like to give  
> routable OSM-derived maps a try, there's some instructions on the wiki  
> at http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Mkgmap/routing . The support is  
> still quite incomplete both because the Garmin format isn't completely  
> understood and because of bugs. More the latter, probably. Help on  
> either topic would be appreciated.

First off I'd like to thank everyone who has been working on this, it's
a great addition for anyone using OSM on a Garmin device.

I had a go at producing a routable map for my local area but whenever I
transfer it to my eTrex Vista HCX it always routes on the in-built
basemap no matter what I try. 

I built the maps with the following commands[0]:

      * wget -O meonvalley-20081207.osm
      * perl osm2mp.pl meonvalley-20081207.osm > meonvalley-20081207.mp
      * java -Xmx512M -jar mkgmap-route-779/mkgmap.jar --route

The image is then transferred to the Garmin via USB mass storage.

If anyone who has successfully built a routable map can shed any light
on what I'm doing wrong I would be most grateful. 



[0] I've uploaded copies of the files created in the process to

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