hi maning,

maning sambale wrote:
> JOSM is an excellent data editing tool (hey I also love potlatch!).
> Many of of its features I would love integrated in some FOSS GIS
> editing toolbox.
> That being said, are there user cases where JOSM is used outside OSM
> as a GIS editing app?  Please share your experiences.

what i'd really like is a mode where i can edit the GPS trails.
just top and tailing the junk off the ends where the GPS was started
and stopped, any time where you are are effectively indoors...
also splitting large GPS trails into smaller more manageable sections.

one of the issues i have is that i can spend a fair bit of time
trailing and can upload those trails, but don't always have the
notes to go with to identify the specific journey. you have to upload
the trail to the web site before you know where it is, and them edit
the other attributes to go with it. so being able to use josm to get
your bearings about which GPS trail it is before uploading it would
be handy...

this may not be what you had in mind, but a .gpx editor/manager would
help a lot to get more of my trails up so folks can make use of them =)


Operating Systems, Services and Operations
Information Technology Services, The University of Adelaide

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