>     Hi,
>     > In Israel we try to tag all names with "name","name:he","name:en",
>     and we
>     > put the same value in "name" and "name:he".
>     > For example:
>     >   name=1234
>     >   name:he=1234
>     >   name:en=abcd
>     > Is there a feature recognized by the renderer software packages
>     > that allows me to write something like this:
>     > name=$(name:he)
>     > name:he=1234
>     > name:en=abcd
> Hebrew is my native language, and as far as I'm concerned the whole
> world can and should be mapped exclusively using the Hebrew alphabet ;) 
> (und auch natuerlich ein bisschen Deutsch, die auch eine schoene sprache
> ist)
> As I see it, using the "name" tag is simply asking for trouble, and one
> need to seek a coherent and complete solution, which the "name:lang"
> system offer.
> I would, however, like to set a default language to the renderer using
>     name=$(name:he)
> or something equivalent, for the default international map on the osm site.
I am not aware of such a feature for the current tools. I fear a problem
could be that $(name:he) is also a valid name somewhere else in the
world (with an other font than Latin...)

A possibility would be to never use name=, but only name:XX=xxxx and
have a tag name:local=XX in order to indicate which is the local one.
For rendering, a default rule could be that if there is only one
name:XX=xxx without name:local=... then it will use the name:XX whatever
XX is.

I cross-posted to talk, if someone has other idea / better proposition.

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