> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Miller [mailto:petermille...@googlemail.com]
> Sent: 11 March 2009 14:00
> To: Gregory Williams
> Cc: Daniel A Carleton; talk@openstreetmap.org
> Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Activity Level in My Area?
> On 11 Mar 2009, at 09:16, Gregory Williams wrote:
> > Daniel,
> >
> > One easy solution would be to sign up for a free OSM Mapper account
> > from
> > ITO World:
> >
> > http://www.itoworld.com/static/osmmapper
> >
> > This'll allow you to view changes and additions to the data on a map
> > for
> > an area that you choose from which you'll be able to judge the level
> > of
> > activity.
> Fyi, we recently upgraded OSM Mapper and increased the area which can
> be monitored at one time so do try creating some bigger areas!
> Do note however that our product only shows who the 'last' person to
> touch the way was. It is very possibly that in some areas there are
> major 'hidden' contributors and see the open question to the lawyers
> on how we should deal with ways touched by multiple people, only some
> of whom are contactable or who sign up to the new license.
> erms
> That being said, it would be a really good idea for people to know who
> the current contributors in their area are and to get into contact
> with them. I am doing that in my area for sure.

Yes, certainly in my area I've been adding extra levels of detail (such
as maxspeed, maxweight, motorcar=destination, etc.) to ways mapped by
others. So viewing those areas will show my name as the most recent
contributor, but I didn't go down all of those roads originally.

There are also a few places where I've fixed the topology (several
almost-connecting ways when I know that they do connect in reality). So,
again, I'm listed at the most recent contributor when in reality the
majority of the work there was done by someone else.

So, it's not necessarily so easy to see who the major contributor to the
data is. However it would give Daniel a good idea of whether the data is
being actively maintained, which I think was the gist of the question.


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